While getting any loan or applying for a credit card you might have often noticed what is your CIBIL, and what is your per month income, because, it is essential to have a fair credit score for anyone to get all these services easily. And before applying for the loan you must have ideas of your credit score. Meanwhile, it can emerge in your mind how to check CIBIL score in Phonepe or another AAP which provides the option to check the free CIBIL score. It is simple and you can do it easily on your mobile.
Table of Contents
ToggleTo check your CIBIL in PhonePe follow the steps.
Step 1: Install PhonePe App – Install Phonepe APP on your mobile if you are not using the PhonePe right now.
Step 2: Signup and Register – Register your number and get the verification through the mobile number, which is linked to your bank through which you want to use the UPI.
Step 3: Click credit section – After the installation, go to the credit section and click on the check now.
Step 4: Fill the Details: Get your CIBIL score with complete details like current EMIs, credit card usage and all.
How to protect and Enhance your CIBIL score
It is essential to have a fair CIBIL score and you must follow these instructions to protect and enhance your score, so that you can get financial assistance without any interruption, and these are as follow.
Don’t Check your CIBIL Repeatedly
Once you know how to check your CIBIL score, you can check it for free but it is also essential that you must not repeat this process again and again in the same month because while doing so, your score can fall.
Always borrow as per the income
Always choose the loan amount as per your income, so that you can repay easily. Similarly, never use your Credit Limit more than your income. Choose EMI options for the higher amount. It will protect your CIBIL score.
Don’t apply for various loans simultaneously
You must check the lender’s terms and conditions and after assuring the approval, apply for the loan. The repetitive credit score checks and loan rejections can hamper your CIBIL score, especially when you apply at multiple platforms.
Be punctual on Repayment
The repayment of the personal loan can always help you enhance the CIBIL score because it always depends on your transactional history. Your punctuality will always help you enhance your score.
It’s easy to check the credit score with PhonePe and another UPI like Google Pay, Paytm etc. where you need to have the mobile number linked with your bank and you must have complete KYC so that your CIBIL can be checked using your PAN number with all the transactional details. So, using the steps, and after getting assured how to check your CIBIL score, you will be able to check it at any time. But, be sure you are not doing it again and again, so that you can preserve and protect your credit score.